Corporate structure
The Company was incorporated in the Republic of Ireland as a public company limited by shares under the name U.S. Oil and Gas plc on 15 June 2009 under the Companies Acts. The Company has the registration number 471932 and is the holding company of the U.S. Oil Group.
The Company has the following subsidiary undertaking:
Major Oil International LLC (registered in Houston, Texas, USA) with company number 801005644), incorporated on 17 July 2008. The registered office of Major Oil International LLC is Suite 1000 5718 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77057. Major Oil International LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of US Oil and Gas plc.
The company’s primary focus is on onshore oil and gas exploration in Nevada, USA, where U.S. Oil has a large lease acreage.
Registered Office
U.S. Oil & Gas plc
Alexandra House
The Sweepstakes
Dublin 4
Co. Dublin
Tel: +353 (0) 16629572
Tel: +353 (0) 16319022
email: info at (please substitute @ for ‘at’) or email here.