Where can I read current US Oil & Gas’ business and financial news?
You can access company news by going to Press Releases.
Where can I see the Company accounts?
You can see the Company account filings by downloading them from here or by or by requesting them from the Company Secretary at the Company’s registered offices.
In what currency are US Oil & Gas results reported?
US Oil and Gas reports in the Euro.
Which accounting standard does US Oil & Gas use for its annual financial statements?
The accounts are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
How can I contact US Oil and Gas investor relations?
You can email, phone or write to the Company using the details on this website’s ‘Contact us‘ page.
Who are the management of US Oil & Gas?
For details of US Oil’s board and management, please see the Management page on this website.
What are the assets of US Oil & Gas?
The primary assets of US OIl and Gas are those of its wholly-owned subsidiary Major Oil International LLC. Major Oil holds US federal exploration leases in Hot Creek Valley, Nye County, Nevada. The valley is adjacent to Railroad Valley, the most oil-prolific region in the state.
When and where was US Oil & Gas founded, and what is its company registration number?
US OIL and Gas plc was incorporated in Ireland on July 17, 2009 as an oil and gas exploration and development company focusing on prospects in Nevada, USA. The Company has the registration number 471932 and is the holding company of the US Oil Group.